How It Works 13 January 2025
How It Works

The offers we make to our customers are available only to online transactions on our website. Prices and fees charged may be different at agent locations. In order to start enjoying these great offers, please follow the steps described below:

Step 1: Register

To use our online service, apply to register by sending us a copy of your ID (valid International Passport, Driving Licence or National ID card) by email to: Please include your address and phone number in the mail. We may also request for a copy of your proof of address before we register you or at a later stage, so if you have it, we prefer you send us both. By applying to register with us, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions.

Step 2: We Complete Your Registration

We will create an account for you and send you the log in details.

Help notes on filling Date of Birth fields: If we rather provide you a link to register yourself, please ensure the details you enter matches with your official documents. When filling date of birth fields on our system, please first choose the month of birth, and then the year of birth. The system will display only 10 years at a time. Choose the oldest year displayed, and repeat this process until you reach your year of birth. Then choose the date of the month you were born.

For example, if your date of birth is 10/04/1952, and you are registering as a customer in 2010,  then first choose the month April, then choose the oldest year displayed, which is year 2000. Click the drop down arrow again, and choose year 1990. Repeat the process until you reach the year 1952.

Once you have completed all the required fields and clicked "Register", our system will allocate a customer account number to you at this point. Please take note of this for reference purpose.

Step 3: Send Money

Login to our system with details provided to you and initiate a money transfer by clicking the "Send Money" button. Please follow the instructions required for your desired destination. Upon completion, our system generates a money transfer transaction number on the screen with details of the total amount payable to us. Please take note of this number and our bank account details displayed. If your beneficiary would be collecting cash and you have supplied a test question and test answer, please take note of this.

Step 4: Make Payment


Initiate a Bill payment from your online banking facility or use a telephone banking facility with your bank to make payment to our bank account. Please note, only electronic payments to our bank account are acceptable. DO NOT DEPOSIT CASH INTO OUR BANK ACCOUNT. If you do not have internet or telephone banking, contact your bank today, and they can set that up quite easily for you.

Please use only your customer account number with us as your payment reference. Our bank account accepts faster payments, which means any payment initiated by you from any bank in the UK to our account can be received within 2 hours. Upon receiving payment for your transfer, our system will automatically notify you to acknowledge this through the email you provided during registration. This is an acknowledgment of payment for your information only. You could notify your beneficiary immediately you have transferred money into our account.

Only transactions for which cleared funds are received into our account by 12.00 p.m. on a business day could be processed the same day.

Step 5: Finish

That's it. It's done.

For your next transaction, you can send money in two clicks using our send again feature to the same beneficiary.

For first time transactions, part of the process above includes our system validating the information you provided to us about your self during registration. This is an automated process, and you don't have to do anything. If we are unable to do this, we may request you to forward us with a copy of your ID and proof of address before we process your transaction.

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